Thursday 20 September 2012

New Start!

Hello Everyone!

I have decided to start a new blog simply because I am bored, and quite frankly a little bit lost.

I recently finished my degree in Fine Art, and somehow managed to land myself a full time job pretty much straight away. Since getting this job I have barely had the time to express myself creatively and to talk about the things that I love the most, or to even explore my passions further.

I actually really love my job, I work for a Tile Showroom and Warehouse, selling and distributing tiles amongst doing many other things there. I am still able to use my artistic knowledge on a daily basis and continue my love and imagination for interior design by working there.

That being said; just three months ago and for three years before that I spent every single day (all day) painting, drawing or writing and for that routine to completely have changed is quite a shock.

I actually tried to enrol on a Business Course last week because I am struggling to figure out how I am going to further my career, but ironically, I was the only person to show up so the course got cancelled.

So here it is, I am resorting to another blog that I will probably completely fail at keeping up with, just to make me feel like I am still doing something important and creative with my time because I really miss having something to write about!

So here it goes;


My beautiful 2 year old son, Quinn, is currently obsessed with drawing and colouring, which of course I love to do too so I actively encourage him to express himself this way and to enjoy the marks that he is making.

The trouble is, is that he never continues to draw just on one piece of paper, every time he makes a mark with paint or crayon he likes to turn the page and start something new. Being an artist myself, I understand these feelings! However, my house is cluttered with used paper and sketchbooks and I am very proud of Quinn and his drawings so love to show them off.

I wanted to think of a quick way of displaying these images for all to see and enjoy, without the walls being covered in blue tack or crumpled up paper.

A few weeks ago I purchased a ‘scatter frame’ which was on sale in Asda (or Wal-Mart to my American friends) You know, it’s just one big clip frame with multiple picture slots so you can kind of collage all your material together with it still looking neat and tidy.

I have been waiting for an excuse to use the frame and to also clear up some of Quinn’s artwork and today I just thought, What a lovely way to decorate his bedroom! So easy to do, and it looks lovely!

I now have a mixture of Quinn’s Artwork in this frame, from his stencil prints, a few different paintings (stamping shapes and also stippling brush techniques), also parts of a collages that he made with me. It now looks like one big, neat decoration.

I think I will be doing it with a lot of his pictures. It is hard to keep hold of them when they are stuck to the fridge or blu-tacked to the wall, especially when his mischievous self pulls them down and decides he doesn’t like them anymore.

It’s a great way to capture my precious memories with him! I also think they will make excellent and reasonably priced Christmas gifts for family too.

Here’s what it now looks like on Quinn’s bedroom wall.

 I love it! just so unique!

For my following blogs, I hope to write about other things that I have enjoyed doing with my son, or even textile projects that I have been working on, paintings that I have made or write about books that I am reading. Reviews on make-up, cooking and Art Exhibitions… there are endless possibilities with this! I feel so free and thankful that I have chosen to start a new blog, I have had a few before but I focused mainly on my artwork and felt so pressured. This way I believe I can inspire others to take an interest in other things too.

If you are here because you are interested in my Artwork, then please view my online portfolio @

Emma Gough

Red-head, Mother, House Wife, Graduate, Lover of Creativity and More… Stay Tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Emma, your Dad and I have decided that you are officially a 'domestic goddess'. On top of having to go to school and/or work you've managed to maintain a household where creativity reins. Whether you're discovering ways to display your son's artistic endeavors or making delectable treats for your family it's incredible how you do all this with joy and grace. You make it look so easy when I know it is not.
    I'm so happy you've decided to blog about your home life. I can't wait to read more!
    I really think you should post both the cookie recipe and the picture frame idea on Pintrest. People would love both and it will get some more interest in your blogs. Just an idea. =)
    Keep up the fantastic work as a 'domestic goddess', my love. You're already developing a grand legacy that you will leave behind.
    Love you, princess! xoxoxLaLune
